Scholastic Teachables
Individual Teacher Subscription
Once you subscribe to Scholastic Teachables you are granted immediate access to more than 30,000 resources. If you are seeing prices for resources, confirm that your session has not timed out; try logging out and logging back into the site. If this does not resolve the problem, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-246-2986 Monday–Friday 8:00 AM–7:00 PM Eastern Time.
Please note that if you purchased your subscription via The Scholastic Teacher Store activation could take up to 24 hours. To check the status of your order log into your account using your username and password, and click on the Account icon in the upper right hand corner. Once you are in your account information you can view the status of your Teacher Store order in your order history section. Once activated, Scholastic Teachables orders will be visible under the Subscriptions and Downloads tab. For further assistance on Scholastic Teacher Store orders, email TeacherStore@Scholastic.com, or call 1-800-724-2222 and select the Teacher Store Online option.
There is no rostering or student access associated with Scholastic Teachables and your subscription is for your individual use only.
Site License Users
Your administrator will provide you with information on how to access for your subscription via one of these methods depending on how your school's access is configured:
- USING YOUR ADMINISTRATOR PROVIDED CREDENTIALS access Scholastic Teachables via https://digital.scholastic.com/#/signin/staff
- IP ADDRESS AUTHENTICATION: clicking on a link provided by your administrator will take you directly to your subscription if your current IP address matches the address(es) provided by your Tech Administrator
- USERNAME/PASSWORD AUTHENTICATION: clicking on the subscription link will prompt you to enter a username and password to access the product
- PROXY AUTHENTICATION: clicking on the subscription link will ask you to sign in with your organization's barcode and/or PIN
- REFERRING PAGE: clicking on the subscription link will take you directly to your subscription without need for any further action
- LIBRARY CARD RECOGNITION (LCR): clicking on the subscription link will prompt you to enter a library card number
PLEASE NOTE If you don't know your subscription username and password, please reach out to your Technical Administrator.
There is no rostering or student access associated with Scholastic Teachables.
For information on site license purchases (schools, school districts, and public libraries) please call us at 1-800-387-1437 or email us at digitalinfo@scholastic.com.
Need More Help?
Contact Customer Service | Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM Eastern Time
For Scholastic Teachables
1-800-246-2986 (option 4)