Scholastic News


You can access your digital magazine subscriptions in the following ways:

  • Click LOG IN in the top right corner of your magazine homepage, chose "I am a Teacher," and enter your account information.


To activate your magazine subscription, you'll need an Access Code! This code is printed on the front page of your Teacher's Guide included with your magazine issues — and we'll also email it to you at the beginning of the school year! If you haven't gotten it, ask the person responsible for ordering magazines at your school. You can also contact Customer Service at 1-800-631-1586 to request your code. You will have a different Access Code for every magazine you subscribe to.

Once you have your code, sign in to Scholastic Digital Manager and enter the access code into the Access Code field. This is a one-time set-up to confirm your subscription for the year; you won't need to enter it again next time you sign in.


🔑 Accessing via Scholastic: You can create a classroom password that will allow users to log into the website at home or during class. Users will not be able to see teaching materials such as skills sheets, answer keys, or Teacher's Guides. To create your classroom password, click your account preferences on the top right and select “My Dashboard.” Select “Edit” under “Student Access” in the Scholastic Magazines list. Share this password with your students.

Users can sign into their Magazines+ website using the Classroom Password configured by the librarian.



If you have any questions about how to manage your School Year Rollover for your Magazines+ subscription, contact us.

For more information, please see our ​MAGAZINES+ FAQ.

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Contact Customer Service | Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM Eastern Time

  For Magazines+


For Scholastic Teachables

1-800-246-2986 (option 4)


For all other Digital Programs

1-800-724-2222 (option 5)